Serving EEOB, MCSB, UCR Natural Reserves, and Stem Cell Center

Concur Travel How-to and Videos
Helpful Handouts
Is pre-payment an option? 

Advance payments for foreign airfare, shuttles, registration fees, etc. may be paid with enough advanced notice (minimum 3 weeks) with a Purchase Order, via Procurement Card, or campus ghost card (airfare only), for those not eligible for the UCR T&E Card. If you personally pay these fees in advance they will not be reimbursable until after the trip has been completed. Please contact if you have any questions.

When should I submit a reimbursement?

All reimbursement requests for travel expenses are routed through Concur UCR’s online travel expense reporting system. Travel expense claims should be made within 7 days of the completion of the trip. However, claims must be made within 21 days. Once we have all necessary info and required uploaded receipts, your request will be routed for approval and it will be submitted to UCR’s Accounting Office for reimbursement. It can take up to 2-3 weeks to receive reimbursement.

What receipts are required?

Please save and submit all original receipts. Airline ticket receipts/itineraries, hotel bills, rental car receipts, registration fee receipts (any larger expense receipts provided to you electronically) are to be submitted in PDF form included as attachments with your expense report. All receipts must be itemized and show “form of payment”.  Only the cost of ACTUAL meals can be claimed for reimbursement not to exceed the maximum daily limit of $79.00. There is no “per diem” for any domestic travel.  The Concur system will indicate whether or not a receipt is required based on the category and amount. 

Can I pay for someone else's travel? 

You may NOT pay for another traveler’s expenses including hotels, meals and rental cars.  If you are planning a group travel event, please reach out to your travel coordinators for more detailed guidelines and restrictions as some shared expense exceptions can be made.

When do I need a flight comparison? 

A flight comparison must be done at time of all bookings for the following reasons:

  • If a Traveler adds additional non-business related locations or dates to the trip.
  • If a Traveler extends a business trip for personal reasons prior to or after the scheduled date of the meeting/conference.
  • If a Traveler begins or ends a trip in a location other than their home for personal reasons.
  • If a Traveler takes an indirect route to a business location.
  • If a Traveler uses a personal vehicle in lieu of flying they must also have Chair’s approval in writing.

The flight comparison must be done at the time of booking a trip to show that personal time taken did not cost the university any additional cost. Charging travel expenses to UCR when they are going to be reimbursed by a third party is not allowable.  If a meeting/conference host will be reimbursing you for your airline ticket, the traveler must prepay this and you cannot have it purchased by the university.

Can meals be claimed for 1-day trips?

Reimbursement of meals may not be claimed for trips less than 24 hours without an overnight stay (mileage only).  

Am I covered by University Insurance while traveling?

You should register ALL trips at the site below, even those not booked directly through Concur, prior to traveling so that you are covered by University Insurance while traveling.

Do I need to pay for parking at another UC?

If a faculty member, staff or graduate student from another UC campus comes to visit and they have a parking permit from their own campus they can show that parking permit along with their UC identification card to the parking kiosk and get a complimentary parking pass for use on UCR’s campus for the day.  This does not apply to Undergraduate students from other campuses.

Please contact if you have any questions, thank you.

Card Payment Matrix

Please refer to this link when you are not sure what can and can't be purchased with the Travel & Entertainment Card (T&E) as well as the ProCard (PCard).


Instructions: Use this form if you have lost or missing receipts and are claiming reimbursement.

Check out the Concur mobile app guides to learn how to download and use the mobile app. The free Concur Mobile is designed to enhance the travel experience. Mobile allows you to book travel arrangements, arrange for ground transportation and check flight status. In addition, you are able to capture receipts by taking pictures with your smartphone, uploading into your Concur profile, and attaching to your expense report while traveling.

Concur Mobile App - iPhone

Concur Mobile App - Android

Per the University of California Office of the President

It is the responsibility of the traveler to understand which expenses can be reimbursed according to the University of California Business and Finance Bulletin G-28 Policy and Regulations Governing Travel and U.S. Government regulations, and to report their actual travel expenses in a timely and ethical manner.

Each campus Controller's Office provides oversight of which travel expenses are allowable on their campus.

Frequently Used Travel Policies & Guidance
UCOP Travel & Entertainment Policies
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