When is Kuali needed?
- Letters of Intent (LOI) that need a Grant Officers signature
- LOIs that require a budget and/or Grant Officers signature
- Non funded collaboration that needs an agreement signed by Grants officer
- GSR fellowships (special case)
- If the GSR would like to use their fellowship funds on campus, a Kuali is needed ahead of time before applying
- If the GSR is unsure if they would like their fellowship funds to be paid to them directly or go to the University a Kuali should be submitted as a precaution in case, they do decide to have the funds used on campus
- ALL faculty proposals where funds are to be sent to UCR for research from another institution
- ALL faculty proposals where funds are to be sent to UCR for research from non UCR sponsors
When is Kuali not needed?
- GSR fellowships where the funds are directly given to the GSR, and they chose NOT to have funds come to UCR
- LOI that does not need Grant officer signature or budget
- No funds are coming to UCR to by lab
- When there are no agreements that need to be signed
Kuali timeline:
- Ideally, please notify your analyst the moment you decide you will be applying for a grant or participating as a sub to another institution
- Notify analyst at least two weeks prior to sponsor due date to prepare budget and provide them with a completed Kuali questionnaire form
- All finalized proposal documents should be sent to analyst 5 days prior to the sponsor due date. This gives the analyst 2-3 days to review all proposal documents/attach to application prior to submitting them to RED for their standard 2-day review requirement
When in doubt, contact your analyst!