Serving EEOB, MCSB, UCR Natural Reserves, and Stem Cell Center

Fleet Vehicle Reservation Request

Fleet Vehicle Reservation Request
  • UCR Fleet Services
  • Reservation Instructions
    1. Complete and submit the on-line request form. You will receive an email notifying you of your reservation request.
    2.  Your reservation request will be processed by the Fleet Services staff. All attempts will be made to fulfill your reservation request. Most requests are responded to within 1 hour (during normal business hours). If the request can be fulfilled, then the reservation request is given the status of 'Approved'. You will receive an email notifying you of your reservation approval.
    3. Note: If your reservation request is 'Rejected' or 'Cancelled' then you will receive an explanation with your email response indicating the reason.
  • Use Authorization
    1. University vehicles shall be used for official University business only.
    2. Responsibility for determining, authorizing, & controlling official use is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor Finance and Business Operations (see Delegation of Authority CHA0038), the Campus Risk Manager and/or the Director of Transportation and Parking Services (see Delegation of Authority CHA0038-R.).  Fleet Services personnel are not expected to determine the appropriateness of use, but are to make sure each operator has proper authorization.
    3. University vehicles shall not be used regularly for transportation between personal residences and University campuses or other work locations, except those vehicles that are:
      • Assigned to senior University executives (see University Policy Concerning Senior Management Automobiles);
      • Used in conjunction with authorized ridesharing programs which include, but are not limited to, vanpools, carpools, buspools, and guaranteed ride home programs; or
      • Used occasionally for transportation to and from personal residences in connection with departure and return from official University business trips, when the appropriate department official has determined that such use is more efficient and economical than available alternatives.
    4. Any use of a vehicle for transportation between home and office, other than those stated above, must be specifically authorized in advance and in writing by the Vice Chancellor Finance and Business Operations as an exception to this policy and justified by a special and/or frequent work requirement of the University which cannot reasonably be met by other means of transportation.  Drivers using vehicles under this section shall be subject to campus parking regulations.
    5. Vehicles may not be left at an airport for any period of time, unless the rental cost of the vehicle and the parking charge is less than the use of other types of transportation.
  • Requirements of Operator
    1. All operators must have a valid driver’s license.
    2. It is the responsibility of Fleet Services to verify the possession and validity of the operator’s driver’s license each time a vehicle is released for daily rentals.  Normally, drivers of any passenger vehicle are required to have a Class C license with the following exceptions:
      • Drivers of 15 passenger vans used as shuttle services or bus, are required to have a valid Class A or B license with the appropriate passenger endorsement.
      • Drivers of a tram and tractor combination are required to have a valid Class A or B license.
      • Youth Bus - Driver’s of 10-15 passenger vehicles who transport school age children, K-12, are required to have a Class A or B Drivers’ license with a California Special Driver Certificate valid for driving a youth bus.
  • Responsibilities of Operator
    1. Authorized drivers include faulty & staff provided they have been approved by the appropriate campus official and the vehicle use is for official University business.
    2. Student Drivers – Students may operate University vehicles only as part of any official curricular or research program, or official extracurricular program directly supervised by a member of the University faculty or staff.  Misuse of University vehicles will result in withdrawal of authorization to drive them (also see UCR Policy & Procedures Manual, Policy #900-55 "Vehicle Accident and Damage Reporting" for information on misuse of University vehicles and payment for damages).
    3. Passengers – It is the responsibility of all users of University vehicles to reduce the University’s potential liability by limiting University passengers to those persons on official business for the University.  Users should not give rides to hitchhikers, friends, relatives, and University employees not then engaged in University business.  This policy also avoids problem of public comment on possible misuse of official vehicles.
    4. When there is any question of appropriate use or appearance of misuse, it is suggested that private vehicles or rental vehicles be substituted
  • Cancellations

    When a reserved vehicle is not needed, Fleet Services must be notified at least one hour prior to the release time of the vehicle so that it may be made available for other assignments. Charges will be made in the amount of 1/2 daily rental fee for reservations that are not cancelled in advance. Special consideration will be given for cancellations due to inclement weather, or for bonafide reasons beyond the user's control.

  • Roadside Assistance

    Fleet Owned Vehicles

    For roadside assistance on Fleet owned vehicles, call (951) 827-2277. There is a 24-hour answering service outside of regular business hours.

    When calling for roadside assistance, you must have the following information ready:

    • Vehicle number
    • Location of vehicle
    • Vehicle condition
    • Call back number
  • Accident Reporting

    All University vehicles are self-insured. In the event of an accident, please refer to the information below.

    University Owned Vehicles

    Drivers are required to report ALL auto incidents within 24 hours to UCR’s Claims Administrator, Sedgwick, by calling (800) 416-4029 and pressing 1. Operators are available 24/7.

    Please use the Accident Loss Report Form to collect and document information. A copy of the Accident Loss Report form is also in each vehicle's glove compartment.

    If any parties are injured, summon 911 immediately, and notify Risk Management as soon as possible. In addition, all vehicle accidents, damage, or theft should be reported to UCR Police and the supervisor in the vehicle's department.

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